What do we do?

A wise person once said “Friends love you as you are. Mentors love you too much to let you stay that way!”. We listen and use reflective inquiry to guide you to discovery in regards to your healthy goals. Specifically we use a holistic approach which means we treat you as a whole person- not just if you close your exercise rings and what goes in your mouth- your relationships, career, home environment and more!

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We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

What we do in our spare time

St Thérèse of Lisieux had a religious mindset that is called “the little way”. She remarked that she could do even the smallest thing with love, such as picking up a pin. I like applying that mindset to my healthy lifestyle. Maybe something you see in our blog will give you an idea for a simple step you can take towards real, sustainable change.

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